Follow this blog post for a comprehensive tutorial on how to fine-tune a Mistral 7B model.

All Anyscale models belong to the group of Large Language Models (LLMs).

These are some of the supported models:

  • Mistral7B
  • Llama-2-7b
  • Llama-2-13b
  • Llama-2-70b
  • Code Llama

Let’s create a model to answer questions about MindsDB’s custom SQL syntax.

First, create an AnyScale engine, passing your Anyscale API key:

CREATE ML_ENGINE anyscale_engine
FROM anyscale_endpoints
    anyscale_endpoints_api_key = 'your-anyscale-api-key';

Then, create a model using this engine:

CREATE MODEL mymistral7b
PREDICT completion
    engine = 'anyscale_engine',
    model_name = 'mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1',
    prompt_template = 'Return a valid SQL string for the following question about MindsDB in-database machine learning: {{prompt}}';

You can check model status with this command:

DESCRIBE mymistral7b;

Once the status is complete, we can query for predictions:

SELECT prompt, completion
FROM mymistral7b as m
WHERE prompt = 'What is the SQL syntax to join input data with predictions from a MindsDB machine learning model?'
USING max_tokens=400;

On execution, we get:

| prompt                                                                                            | completion                                                                                           |
| What is the SQL syntax to join input data with predictions from a MindsDB machine learning model? | The SQL syntax is: SELECT * FROM input_data INNER JOIN predictions ON = |

If you followed one of the MindsDB tutorials before, you’ll see that the syntax provided by the model is not exactly as expected.

Now, we’ll fine-tune our model using a table that stores details about MindsDB’s custom SQL syntax.

Let’s connect to a DB that hosts a table we’ll use to fine-tune our model:

WITH ENGINE = "postgres",
    "user": "demo_user",
    "password": "demo_password",
    "host": "",
    "port": "5432",
    "database": "demo"

Now we can take a look at the fine-tuning data:

SELECT prompt, completion
FROM example_db.demo_data.chat_llm_mindsdb_docs

And here are the first few rows:

0systemYou are a helpful assistant. Your task is to answer a user’s question regarding the SQL syntax supported by MindsDB, a machine learning product for training models and seamlessly deploying them where your data lives.
1userIn the context of MindsDB: 1. Testing CREATE DATABASE
2assistantCREATE DATABASE example_db WITH ENGINE = "postgres", PARAMETERS = { "user": "demo_user", "password": "demo_password", "host": "", ... };
Query successfully completed
3systemYou are a helpful assistant. Your task is to answer a user’s question regarding the SQL syntax supported by MindsDB, a machine learning product for…
4userIn the context of MindsDB: 2. Testing Preview the Available Data Using SELECT

Notice it is formatted as a series of chats that conform to the standard OpenAI chat format. Every message has a “role” and some “content”. By chaining together a series of messages, we can create a conversation.

Now, you can fine-tune a Mistral model with this data like so:

FINETUNE mymistral7b
FROM example_db
    (SELECT * FROM demo_data.chat_llm_mindsdb_docs);

The FINETUNE command creates a new version of the mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 model. You can query all available versions as below:

FROM models_versions
WHERE name = 'mymistral7b';

Once the new version status is complete and active, we can query the model again, expecting a more accurate output.

SELECT prompt, completion
FROM mymistral7b as m
WHERE prompt = 'What is the SQL syntax to join input data with predictions from a MindsDB machine learning model?'
USING max_tokens=400;

On execution, we get:

| prompt                                                                                            | completion                                                                                           |
| What is the SQL syntax to join input data with predictions from a MindsDB machine learning model? | SELECT * FROM mindsdb.models.my_model JOIN mindsdb.input_data_name;                                  |